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LaTeX Notes 读书笔记

IWRose posted @ 2011年2月09日 13:12 in 众多工具 with tags latex tex , 3324 阅读

毕竟不是完全不清楚LaTeX,所以只对第一章和第二章前几小节仔细看阅了,顺便做点笔记,便于复习。笔记用TextEdit(OS X)书写的总结的。



  • Chapter 1
    • raster image processor, RIP光栅图像处理器
    • 数字排版
    • 点阵图像
    • 制版设备
    • 打印机
    • 页面描述语言 page description language, PDL
    • 总结:
      • RIP的输入是:PDL或者和输出设备分辨率不同的点阵图像
      • 输出是:点阵图像
    • RIP可以分为:
      • 硬件:用于高档排版设备
      • 固件:在打印机内置微处理机上运行
      • 软件
    • markup language 标记语言
      • roff系列
      • SGML(Standard Generalized Markup Languag)系列 XML
      • DocBook属于SGML发展起来的标记语言
      • Scribe 文书的意思
      • TeX家族
    • 页面描述语言
      • PostScript(ps)
      • PDF (Portable Document Format)
      • DVI
      • XPS
    • 二进制图像数据(点阵图像)
    • 三者关系以及相关例子见表 1.1
    • Knuth 提供了一种格式(format,宏命令的集合) TEX 行了封装,这就是 Plain TEX,包含 600 多个宏命令
    • Knuth 最初设计的 TEX 只能用于施乐图形打印机(Xerox Graphic Printer, XGP),这台打印机本身还需要一台 PDP-6 为它服务。1979 ,David R. Fuchs25提出把 TEX 的输出改为设备无关的格式,也就是 Device Independent File Format(DVI)
    • DVI 和其他页面描述语言的主要区别是,它不能嵌入字体和图形。所 以它只能称作准页面描述语言,用户需要用驱动程序(driver)把它转换为 其它格式,比如 PostScript PDF 等。
    • dvips, dvipdf->dvipdfm->dvipdfmx 都是驱动程序
    • pdfTeX直接生产pdf。也就是pdfTeX引擎的输出直接是pdf PDL。
    • 数字排版有四个重要环节:标记语言、页面描述语言、光栅图像处理器、输出设备。
    • TEX中几个概念:引擎、格式、宏包、驱动。
    • 附录:Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) TUG都提供了丰富的资 源。常用宏包的简介见TeX Catalogue。常见问题可以参考英国 TeX 用户组 (UK TUG)TeX Frequently Asked Questions
  • Chapter 2
    • 源文件的组织形式
      • 导言区(preamble):指定文档类型,引入宏包,定义命令、环 境等。
      • 正文区
    • 文档的构成要素:包括标题、目录、章节等。
    • LaTeX命令分为普通命令和环境。(欠权威)
    • LATEX 核心只提供基本功能,很多功能要通过宏包来实现。其他一些编 程语言也有类似的模块化机制,比如 C/C++ include,Java import
    • 书写LaTeX源文件的方法:记住LaTeX的源文件组织形式,根据文档的构成要素来书写文档。



  • 无匹配
WBCHSE Board 11th Cl 说:
Aug 24, 2022 08:59:01 PM

The West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education, or WBCHSE, has prescribed the Class 11 Important Model Question Paper for 2023. The Board, which was established in 1975, works to promote higher secondary education in the State of West Bengal. In the same year, The Board Attained Autonomous Status. This Autonomous Body Conducts a Comprehensive Study to Design a Key Model Question Paper for the Year 2023. WBCHSE Board 11th Class Question Paper 2023, The Jury's Subject Matter Experts will Select the Subjects in Light of Students' Psychological Potential in Order to Compete with the Rapidly Changing World. Students must practise and research the WBCHSE HS Important Model Question Paper from a year ago in order to pass the West Bengal 11th grade exams in 2023. 说:
Jan 19, 2024 01:40:08 AM

JNANABHUMI AP provides a CBSE syllabus for all classes for the academic year 2024 has been designed as per the guidelines of the CBSE Board. The syllabus offers a conceptual background and lays the groundwork for the Class 10 Board exams. By visiting the page, students will find the downloadable pdf of the reduced CBSE 10th Syllabus along with the deleted portion of the syllabus for each subject. So, students are advised to prepare for the exam, as per the syllabus mentioned here.

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